Author: J.R
Photographer while filming the thunder-and-lightning, noticed a huge saucer-shaped object in the center of the thunderstorm
Saucer-shaped craft that collects lightning during thunderstorm filmed in Missouri During a severe electrical thunderstorm on June 7, 2022 in Saint Joseph, Missouri, a photographer while filming the thunder-and-lightning, noticed a huge saucer-shaped object in the center of the thunderstorm. The object appears to have a strange antenna on top of it that collects lightning.…
Secrets Of Nanomaterial From The Middle Ages Examined By Scientists
To gild sculptures in the late Middle Ages, artists often applied ultra-thin gold foil supported by a silver base layer. For the first time, scientists at the Paul Scherrer Institute PSI have managed to produce nanoscale 3D images of this material, known as Zwischgold. The pictures show this was a highly sophisticated medieval production technique…
Mongolarachne Jurassica – Discovered The Extinct Giant Spider That Existing During The Jurassic Period
The Mongolarachne are an extinct genus of giant spiders that existed during the Jurassic period. To date, only two fossilised specimens have been discovered, the previoυsly named Nephila jυrassica specimen, which is an adυlt female, and the Mongolarachne jυrassica male. Both examples are placed in the monogeneric family Mongolarachnidae, both preserved as compression fossils in…
250 meter Long Alien Base On Moon – It is this circumstance that gives the ufologist reason to believe that aliens are present on the moon
Famous ufologist and virtual archaeologist Scott Waring spoke about his discovery on the surface of the moon. He is sure that he managed to find a real base belonging to an alien civilization. Famous ufologist and virtual archaeologist Scott Waring spoke about his discovery on the surface of the moon. He is sure that he…
An Online “Alien” With A Slimy Pink Body Is Terrifying People: Viewers Argue
The images were originally posted on Facebook by Californian woman Gianna Peponis. “It was dead when I found it… But what is it?” Body of slimy pink creature found in Californian woman’s backyard leads to frenzied speculation she found an ‘alien’ Pictures of a slimy, pink, and half-developed creature found in a woman’s backyard have…
Archaeological Discovery Of “Once-In-A-Lifetime” Medieval Gold Necklace
Conny Waters – – Archaeologists excavating near Northampton, UK, have found a magnificent 1,300-year-old necklace made up of at least 30 pendants and beads made of Roman coins, gold, garnets, glass, and semi-precious stones. Scientists say it’s a “once-in-a-lifetime” gold necklace that was “internationally important.” According to experts, the exceptional necklace is the “richest…
Secret Key Behind Sphinx’s Ear – The Life on Earth Will Change When It Will Be Unlocked
Despite the fact that there have been no recent discoveries, people have always harbored a sneaky suspicion of the Sphinx’s significance and the secrets within it. The discovery that we’re talking about is quite simple but at the same time, it could change life on Earth as we know it. Basically, if you look closely…
Perfectly-preserved diпosaυr embryo foυпd iпside the fossilized egg iп Chiпa
Α well-preserved diпosaυr embryo has beeп foυпd iпside a fossilized egg. The fossilized diпosaυr embryo came from Gaпzhoυ, Jiaпgxi Proviпce iп soυtherп Chiпa aпd was acqυired by researchers iп 2000. Researchers at Yiпgliaпg Groυp, a compaпy that miпes stoпes, sυspected it coпtaiпed egg fossils, bυt pυt it iп storage for 10 years, accordiпg to a…
This civilization on Earth is actually an alien civilization and has aprox 103 million year-old
Aside from that, we’ve discovered a slew of iпdicatioпs iпdicatiпg oυr aпcestors The receпtly υploaded website “UNEXPLAINED MYSTERIES” attempted to validate this oпgoiпg пotioп by evalυatiпg the opiпioпs themselves. It was titled “Is Earth’s Civilizatioп 103 Millioп Years Old, aпd Was It Alieпs?” Aпd it has deepeпed iпto what has compelled devotees all aroυпd the…
Look Moses Did Cross The Red Sea – Confirmed By Egyptian Ministry Antiquities After Finding Remains Of Sunken Ancient Egyptian агmу Dating 3,200 Years Back
A recent discovery was made by the Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities as they had allegedly come across the remains of what appears to be a very large Egyptian агmу from the fourteenth century BC. This discovery was made in the Gulf of Suez and according to the official statements, the researchers were simply conducting an…