Secret Key Behind Sphinx’s Ear – The Life on Earth Will Change When It Will Be Unlocked

Secret Key Behind Sphinx’s Ear – The Life on Earth Will Change When It Will Be Unlocked

Despite the fact that there have been no recent discoveries, people have always harbored a sneaky suspicion of the Sphinx’s significance and the secrets within it.

The discovery that we’re talking about is quite simple but at the same time, it could change life on Earth as we know it.

Basically, if you look closely at the Sphinx’s ear, right below it to be precise, you can clearly see a secret keyhole hidden in plain sight.

Kipriyanovich Boriska, a Russian young prodigy who was able read newspapers at one year old, claimed to have been reincarnated. He also claimed that he lived on Mars in a previous life.

According to him, life on Mars ceased to exist because people wouldn’t listen to him when he told them the truth.

He stated that whatever is behind the Sphinx’s ear is the secret to our demise, it is our only way to stop this from ever happening.

After he claimed all of this to be real he came out with apparent amnesia, either caused by the sudden loss of information from his past life which might be the work of the universe itself or the product of induced amnesia by the hands of someone that didn’t want us to know the truth after all.



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