Mary JL - Archaeology 24 - Page 28 of 30

Eight 2,000-year-old mummies found in colonial-era cemetery re-enact the bloody conquest of Spain and the Inca empire

Archaeologists in Peru have unearthed eight centuries-old mummies at a site in the country’s capital, an important find that experts say could point to a colonial-era cemetery….

A silver crown is evidence of power Found in Spain Bronze Age during unearth the graves of couple. Who are they?

About 3,700 years ago, a man and a woman were buried together in the southeast of the Iberian Peninsula. Their tomb was an ovoid jar beneath the…

Unearth the burial place of hundreds of ancient bodies and valuable jewelry believed to be Viking people

Beneath the modern streets of Dublin, Ireland, archaeologists have made an astonishing discovery uncovering the largest known Viking burial in Europe, Scandinavia excluded. This incredible discovery includes…

A strange dancing shape skeleton but revealed a terrible fight with bows, armor and tied corpse

An ancient skeleton surprised archaeologists because he appeared to be dancing when his grave was opened in the Amur region, in the Russian Far East. Archaeologist Denis…

Ancient grave of 20-year-old elite woman buried with many unique jewelry found in Hungary

An extraordinary discovery is reported from the area of Mány, a town in Hungary located in the northeast of Fejér County, Hungary.Preliminary excavations began at the beginning…

31,000-year-old skeleton missing foot found in Borneo has related to 40,000-year-old artwork

Archaeologists have uncovered a skeleton of a person who lived 31,000 years ago. According to a new study, the individual is missing its left foot, and part…

3600-year-old pits full of giant hands reveal the true story about a civilization of enormous dimensions and mysterious ritual sacrifices of ancient Egypt

An astonishing discovery took place in the fall of 2011 when a team of archaeologists working in the palace of ancient Avaris, Egypt, found the remains of…

Hundreds of 1000-year-old skeletons unearthed at the store window are the result of the ancient Wales battle

Large wall discovered alongside the bodies could have been a Norman fortification or linked to the friary. Archaeologists have unearthed hundreds of skeletons that could date back…

A monumental Roman cemetery was found from the excavation of several chained skeletons

A team of archaeologists carrying out excavations prior to the construction of a single-family home in Saintes, southwestern France, has unearthed the skeletons of several individuals, including…

Discovering 200 bodies in Ireland revealed mysterious ritual in ancient burial

The remains from Whitesands Beach, Pembrokeshire, will be stored at the National Museum of Wales. The bodies, from an early Christian community, are well preserved because they…