Massively appearing on many beaches across the United States causing people to panic.

Massively appearing on many beaches across the United States causing people to panic.

They are sea creatures shaped like jellyfish, massively appearing on many beaches across the United States, causing people to panic.

The vast ocean contains many unexplored mysteries. So sometimes these mysterious and strange things drift ashore, confusing people and scientists . This is very true of the phenomenon of billions of strange creatures that are invading many beaches in the US.

From Southern California to British Columbia, jellyfish-like creatures form a dense carpet, leaving residents amazed and curious.

The beach in La Push, Washington is swarming with sapphire blue creatures that range from 7 to 10 centimeters in length. After careful investigation, scientists determined that this is a species named velella velella.

The number of velella landings on beaches across North America is increasing at dizzying numbers. Kevin Raskoff, professor of Biology at the University of Monterey Peninsula, said some of his students have counted more than 1,000 vulella/m2.

Interestingly, although velella are distributed in many oceans around the world, biologists don’t know much about them, except for some information like vulella’s movement depends entirely on wind and water currents.

Velella resembles jellyfish in that they use stingers to sting their opponents when hunting. However, this sting is not strong enough to injure human skin. Therefore, velella is completely unlikely to cause harm to humans.

Velella often moves in great numbers, forming a huge herd of millions of individuals. The main food of velella is plankton .

On the surface of the sea, the vellela rises to the waves thanks to its erect fins. They looked like bubbles then.

Velella could not live long on the coast. By the time they die, the dark green color on their bodies will fade.

Many people never knew that such strange creatures existed in this world. That shows that Mother Nature in general and the sea in particular also contains many interesting things.

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