The giaпt ancieпt snail shell was discovered in Αrgeпtiпa but some straпge thiпgs happeп to those who touch it

The giaпt ancieпt snail shell was discovered in Αrgeпtiпa but some straпge thiпgs happeп to those who touch it

The fossils of four ancient armadillos the size of cars have been discovered by a farmer in Argentina.

The shells were discovered in a dried-out riverbed near the Argentine capital of Buenos Aires and then investigated by the Institute of Archaeological and Palaeontological Investigations of the Pampa Quaternary. Catchy title, eh?Scientists from the institute will now spend the next week digging out the shells to get a better look at them and find out as much as possible.

Pablo Messineo, one of the archaeologists, said the strange discovery was made by Juan de Dios Sota, a farmer who was taking his cows out for a graze when he spotted the shapes of the shells.

He quickly established that they weren’t any ordinary animal, and alerted the scientists, who arrived in short order.

So, what exactly were Glyptodonts?

Well, they were like gigantic armadillos that were, at one stage, found all across Latin America, having developed about 20 million years ago.

Much like their descendants these days, they possessed a large, tough shell that protected them from all sorts of dangers.

The use of the word ‘gigantic’ in this case isn’t an exaggeration.

Glyptodonts could grow to around the size of a car, reaching as much as 10 feet long.

Imagine a 10-foot-long armadillo. It’s a damn shame they no longer exist, because they sound absolutely badass.

Fear not, though. The creatures were gentle giants, and were completely herbivorous.

Unfortunately, it is thought that they bit the dust at the start of the last ice age.

Their shells were made of bone and could weigh as much as 1,100lbs (500kg), which is about 20 percent of their overall body weight.




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