A recent story has gone ⱱігаɩ on Twitter after user Satar posted photos and the following story
“A deer eпteгed one of the shops in Colorado. The shop owner gave him some chocolate biscuits and chocolate. He саme oᴜt of the store and returned after half an hour with all his family members”
I mean how could you say no to a fасe like that!
These photos are awesome! Seriously!

“Hey, what’s up?” the mom deer
It felt like a normal Tuesday, but little did this author know, it would become a day I will undoubtedly remember forever … simply because 9NEWS received some of the best gosh darn wildlife photos we’ve ever seen.
But this story isn’t about me. This story is about Lori Jones. She works at Horsetooth Inn and RV Park located in Stout, Colorado (population: 47 1/2 …. Look it up).
Lori says three weeks ago, a mama deer waltzed into the store, which is at the southern tip of Horsetooth Reservoir.

She walks into the store. She’s awesome, and she knows it (the deer, probably).
That’s when she snapped photos of mama checking out sunglasses.

“Should I buy these sunglasses or do you think I can get a better deal on Amazon?” – The deer (probably).
And weighing the pros and cons of buying junk food (you and me both, sister).

“I’m really craving some chips and queso right now, but I know I’ll regret it tomorrow.” – The deer (probably)
“I lured her outside with a peanut bar,” Lori wrote in an email to 9NEWS.
But, Lori would see that deer again … and there would even be a surprise. Here’s what happened next in her own words.

They stand at the doorway, wondering if entering this hallowed ground is worth it (probably).
“Later, I was in the office checking the store stock,” Lori wrote. “I walked out and there she was with her twins and a lone buck that she nursed. I just used my phone to snap the pics. I laughed so hard!”

“Mom, are you sure this is a good idea?” The baby deer, probably.
Her photos are nothing if not incredible. In it, you see a curious mama deer – and then some babies peering into the store to see what’s going on.

“Hey, what’s up?” the mom deer
Someone needs to call the judges for the National Geographic Photo of the Year …. Stat.
Thanks so much for making our whole office smile, Lori!