Up Close with the Astonishingly Unique Plant with Kiss-Shaped Blooms

Up Close with the Astonishingly Unique Plant with Kiss-Shaped Blooms

With its captivating deep red lips that allure the eyes of onlookers, this flower with an intriguing shape is in need of protection before it faces extinction.

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Nature holds many wonders, and a flower with lush red lips is the highlight of this image. These lips belong to a plant species scientifically known as Psychotria Elata, commonly referred to as Hooker’s lips. Photo: When on Earth.

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A Closer Look at the Rare Kiss-Shaped Plant – Photo 2. This is a flower species among the 2,000 plant species of the Psychotria genus. Moreover, they are flowering plants of the Rubiaceae family. Plants of this genus are also known for producing hallucinogenic compounds like dimethyltryptamine. Photo: When on Earth.

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A Closer Look at the Rare Kiss-Shaped Plant – Photo 3. Much like an enchanting woman with luscious red lips that mesmerizes many, these lips curl up to attract pollinators such as butterflies and hoverflies. Photo: When on Earth.

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A Closer Look at the Rare Kiss-Shaped Plant – Photo 4. The truth is, the red lips you see in these images are not flowers but rather bracts that exist for a short time. When the right time comes, they reveal white blossoms emerging from the center. The fruit of this plant is an ovoid berry that will turn green or black when mature. This flower species also acts as a host plant for the golden silk moth. Photo: Earthling Nature.

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This plant species is somewhat difficult to cultivate, as it requires specific climatic conditions for propagation. Firstly, ensuring a warm and humid climate is essential. After that, placing it in a sheltered environment, away from harsh sunlight, is crucial for its development. Photo: When on Earth.

Cận cảnh loài cây có hình nụ hôn độc lạ - Ảnh 8.

In Central America, people consider this plant a perfect gift for Valentine’s Day and other occasions. They buy it for friends and family to express love and appreciation. Photo: I can garden.

Cận cảnh loài cây có hình nụ hôn độc lạ - Ảnh 9.

A Closer Look at the Rare Kiss-Shaped Plant – Photo 7. Beyond being used as a romantic gift in Central America, the plant also holds its own health benefits. Central American residents utilize the plant’s bark and leaves to treat rashes, coughs, and earaches. Indigenous Ngäbe-Buglé and Kuna people in Panama use them to alleviate breathing difficulties. Photo: Flickriver.

A Closer Look at the Rare Kiss-Shaped Plant – Photo 8. They can be found in rainforests in South and Central American countries like Ecuador, Costa Rica, Panama, and Colombia due to favorable climate conditions. Unfortunately, this plant species is threatened by deforestation and its popularity among plant collectors. Finding seeds online for cultivation is even challenging. Photo: When on Earth.

A Closer Look at the Rare Kiss-Shaped Plant – Photo 9. This plant species is currently at risk of extinction. Therefore, it’s crucial to value and care for such rare plant species. Photo: iStock.


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