Found a mystery monster with 2 heads and 2 tails drifted on the Mexico coast

According to the description of the people here, the animal’s body begins to decompose, causing an extremely unpleasant stench.

Accordingly, during a trip to the sea to pull fish, the man accidentally saw a strange creature floating on the shore. Naturally curious, this man did not dare to approach the animal, only to find that its skin was quite thick and smooth, but when looking up at its head, people panicked and fled to the shore.


It is speculated that this is a baby whale with a birth defect.

Through initial testing, this monstrous creature was a conjoined baby whale. Deformed whales are most likely to be deformed from birth. According to the researchers, it is the habit of dropping waste on the beaches that has led to the consequences of birth defects and tragic deaths for many marine animals, including whales.