Unsettling Portal Seen in Florida’s Night Sky (Video)

In 2012, NASA made a truly amazing discovery about the existence of portals to other dimensions. A NASA-funded study showed that the data obtained by the THEMIS spacecraft and the Cluster. The evidence is that these magnetic portals open and close dozens of times a day. Usually they are within a few tens of thousands of kilometers from the Earth. Where the geomagnetic field meets the solar wind. This phenomenon looks like a “disturbing portal”.

Most portals are small and short-lived; others are huge and stay open much longer. Tons of energy particles can pass through the holes, heating the Earth’s upper atmosphere. Causing geomagnetic storms and lighting up the bright northern lights. However, NASA has acknowledged that there is a problem: finding them. Magnetic portals are invisible and unstable. They open and close without warning and there are no signs to help us. But now we can have proof of them

Alarm portal in the sky

A driver in Florida couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw what appeared to be some kind of portal in the sky on his morning commute. According to British digital publisher LADbible. Tavaras Brinson witnessed the mysterious phenomenon as he drove from home to Bradenton, Manatee County in the U.S. state of Florida.

The usual journey took an unexpected turn. When, to his amazement, an incredibly bright light burst from the clouds in the dark pre-dawn sky at 5:42 a.m. local time overhead. Create impressive lighting. Fascinated by the curious scene, Brinson quickly pulled over and recorded the amazing aerial puzzle on his smartphone.

He believes the moment was a “religious experience”, saying that he was convinced it was “the return of God”. Brinson posted the video to Facebook, where it was immediately viewed 1.2 million times. Brinson said he feels “blessed”. Having filmed this, and on the frames you can see how the light is projected onto Brinson himself.

I feel blessed

“I’ve seen rocket launches before and they didn’t look like this. It was biblical,” concludes Brinson.

Aerospace company SpaceX has confirmed that it launched a Falcon 9 rocket from the John F. Kennedy Space Center in Florida at 5:42 a.m. Just nine minutes after Brinson spotted the phenomenon. The SpaceX launch on May 6 contained 52 satellites to launch the Starlink mission. The purpose of which is to provide Internet coverage around the world. It seems that now any UFO sightings, such as strange phenomena in the sky, are caused by SpaceX. Perhaps in some cases this is true, but in others, as in this case, it has another explanation that we cannot understand.